Helping professional women overcome stress, overwhelm and anxiety, naturally

Step by step transformation to find clarity, confidence and courage to create your healthy, happy life.

“Treat your body well so that your soul is thrilled to live in it.”

-Teresa of Avila

Vibrant Health on all Levels

Energize your body to thrive physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Feel the difference!

Clarity, Calmness and Confidence

Gain crystal clarity on your vision and move towards your goals calmly with confidence!

Enhanced Access to Intuitive Guidance

Tap into your deep inner wisdom, be decisive and embrace being in flow with the universe.


Wellness at the Speed of Light

  • Eases Muscle & Joint Pain & Stiffness associated with Arthritis
  • Temporary Relief of Sprains & Strains
  • Relaxes Muscles
  • Improves Blood Circulation
  • Reduces Inflammation
  • and more! …

” Barbara has a genuinely thoughtful and empowering presence. I look forward to learning and growing through my conversations with her each week. When we started working together, I was feeling overwhelmed and struggling to speak my truth and be vulnerable in my relationship. I was doubting my abilities and knowledge to be successful as I venture into a new branch of my career.

I have gained a new confidence and enthusiasm in pursuing my goals and exploring new possibilities for my work and relationships. Barbara has helped me to process many different aspects of my emotions and sift through the convoluted thoughts. With her mindfulness practices and gentle demeanor, I felt safe opening up to her. Barbara allowed me time to think and reflect during our sessions. She was able to thoughtfully guide our conversations toward growth and opportunity, without me feeling pressured or misunderstood.

I feel empowered with the clarity I gained through our work together, which helped me to initiate some difficult conversations in my relationship. I have since been able to shorten the length of time I allow my mind to fester in negativity and fear. I am better able to recognize my patterns and honor my truth with more compassion and patience. My relationships with others and myself will continue to benefit from the work I have done with the help of Barbara’s coaching.

I would absolutely recommend Barbara as a nurse coach to anyone seeking to gain self-awareness and feel empowered. This experience has helped me to practice more self-care and approach all facets of my life with more dignity and grace. I am forever grateful.”

Sophie Belanger, RN

” I was in a complaining phase when I started to work with Barbara. Covid had knocked me out of my yoga practice and it had been raining all the time, which reduced the rest of my physical activity, which mostly involves walking for miles outside. I was in a funk. Barbara helped me remember that the answers to my complaints were all with in me. It was a wake up call in the best way!

Working with Barbara was partly like therapy. Her gentle coaxing coaching manner guided me to find the underlining reasons for why I was feeling the way I was feeling. She helped me look for the root causes affecting my body and put a positive spin on things.

I gained so much in personal awareness. I increased my happiness. I feel more in control of my emotions and less negative about my body. I ordered better vitamins and digestive enzymes, and I found a new primary care physician.

I have to remember to look inside myself to find the answers. I can’t change other people, but I can change myself. I need to take care of me in order to be the best me taking care of others. I 100% recommend coaching with Barbara!”

Shari Weinberger
Rhode Island

“My Nurse Coaching sessions with Barbara were an absolute blessing! I have been coached athletically as well as other physical capacities, and so often I was given answers. I became used to this coaching model, but afterward always felt a bit lost when my coach and I were no longer working together. I would wonder, where is the voice that I became accustomed to giving me answers and positive feedback?

Nurse coaching with Barbara was different. It was a protected time where I could reflect on challenges, set wellness goals, and overtime I became empowered to discover positive self-talk that wouldn’t fade at the end of a season.

Barbara’s compassion and kindness from the beginning of our sessions allowed me the time and space to explore obstacles (including anxiety) affecting my health and overall wellness. During this exploration to maintain and improve my health, I always felt I could trust Barbara. Her nursing and coaching experience combined along with her professionalism and belief in me, were all reasons that I felt supported and guided toward my wellness goals.

I would highly recommend Nurse Coaching with Barbara to anyone seeking guidance on their journey in health. She will meet you exactly where you are and guide you toward sustainable wellness.”

Nicole Brownell, RN
New Jersey

“When I began with Barb I was floundering around on many levels, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Barb provided deep listening, space, love and encouragement. It was a blessing that she chose me to participate in her coaching program.

Living by myself, having experienced recent job loss, along with isolation due to Covid, has highlighted my aloneness. I very much looked forward to my sessions with Barb. I particularly liked how she began each session by getting us into sensing our bodies through breath work and a mindfulness meditation. She always included statements that supported me to stay in the moment, and. I always left our sessions feeling good. Just having someone to share my journey was particularly important for me.

I didn’t realize how very much alone and bottled up I had been before I started with Barb. I do think the combination of the program that has now started and Barb’s sessions have gotten me on the right track.

The mindfulness allowed me to be in my body and take notice of what was going on. As Barb listened, I was able to cement some understandings. The most recent one being rage/courage. It seemed in the moment Barb always knew what to say to help me have an aha moment!”

Anni Barnard
Rhode Island

” I was tired of feeling stressed. Barbara helped me identify the choices I was making in my life, that were causing me stress and anxiety.

I learned through Barbara’s coaching that it was OK to put my needs first. She helped me discover life choices that would greatly benefit me.

Barbara is a wonderful coach, and I’m so happy she helped me get on the right path!”

Lesly Montenegro, RN
Rhode Island

“I highly recommend Barbara. Her support and guidance has already make a huge difference in my life, after just a couple of weeks.

She is the first person I have ever found that is truly here for you. Just love, trust and pure joy.

For the first time ever, I am taking control of my life. It’s wonderful knowing that someone has your back at all times.

She helps us do what we want to do, not the other way around.

Please give her a try, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Barbara is the light in the room. She is brilliant.”

Debra Cavallaro

What’s Different About
Barbara Schultz Wellness?

We Believe You Deserve to Succeed

You are a storehouse of unlimited power. Unconsciously, you may give your power away to authority figures, medical professionals, teachers, relatives and friends. Caring deeply and compassionately for others and over giving, you can step out of service and into servitude. In the process, you feel unsupported and invisible; unseen and unheard. This leads to overwhelm, stress, anxiety, insomnia and burnout.

Together we will examine all the aspects of your life, and begin to expand the areas where you feel constricted or unsatisfied. You’ll be amazed to see the immediate improvement in your reality. You will embrace centered calmness, clarity and confidence. Your health, relationships, even your finances will experience positive shifts as you make the conscious decision to change.

Learning to tap into your inner wisdom, you’ll embrace bodily sovereignty, and make decisions with clarity and certainty. Soon your health and vitality soar, as your actions align with your own inner truth. No matter where you are on your wellness journey, what medications you’re on, or what your diagnosis may be, my holistic coaching process will help you totally transform your health and wellbeing.

How Does It Work?

Follow These Steps


First, scroll down and fill out the form to apply for a free consultation Zoom call with Barbara.


Next, together with Barbara you’ll create your customized step by step plan.

Finally, work privately with Barbara to implement your plan for results better than you could have hoped for or imagined!

What’s Included?

All Clients Can Expect the Following:


You’ll be enrolled in a 6 month private coaching container


and will receive 3 weekly sessions each month lasting 50 minutes, followed by one week off


You will have email and text access to Barbara between sessions for support

After each session, you will be given individualized assignments to specifically support your journey.

Meet Your Coach

Barbara Schultz

My mission is to be a guiding light for women seeking vibrant health and happiness on all levels. Compassionately caring for others, providing heart-centered service, has been richly rewarding.

A registered nurse and empath for decades, and a nurse-midwife since 1992, I’ve cared for countless patients with all types of illnesses, and welcomed many babies into the world. My most recent work in hospice completes the continuum of holding safe space with clients and families from birth to death, and all walks of life in between.


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